
The Life of Joseph

The end of 2010 is near and lots of homework I've learn throughout this year. Not many make me proud to know of and may take the person’s life as an example. Fortunately, I made myself to know few worthy brothers, who would do, understand and teach me things which opened my view on different things. The sad thing is, all of the brothers are attached and only me who are still labelled as the single man. lol

However, they didn’t let me down. Though they are all attached, they managed to spend time together with me, 4 of us doing random stuffs and chat craps. What I know of, will spend their time with another woman or disappear suddenly with her to another place. I too will make such mistakes, but atleast, I least make people to hate me.

What I learnt, is stating self as strong religious person and talk mostly about religion may result a backfire. People will look high on the person and believe that all believers are such passionate people. What was the true purpose a person to join in a new and different community? Is it to spread the words? To meet new people? Or to fill-up the empty parts of own life where other places has rejected the person?

What was the true definition of love in the first place? If one is dare enough to lecture me about love with the facts right, I will lay down myself and listen. If one has the good example of him/herself to prove that sharing the same goal is what true love is, then I will listen. If one is only talk cock and shows a lot of passionate-bullshit-bro-this-bro-that, makes me sick why should I even bother listen.

It’s near Christmas and I’m sick. I just hope that sense and rational works in everyone’s head. I was awake when everyone is leaving this house. But I chose to sleep. To sleep off the masked faces and remain what was left for me in this house. I do cherish the life here. At least I place a stone here so that others will remember me, Jeremy Yong, made others happy and smile.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love = truth.