Usually, you will see advertisements of loan money and sorts pasted on the wall of every store. Like this one.
Surprisingly this mamak store doesn't have any. The reason?
(Translation: WARNING: Sticking advertisements are prohibited. Offenders will be prosecuted or beaten)
Anyway, after the mamak, Zi Qian hopped on and we went to work. Sigh, noticed that I'm sick, coughing like a mad cow, Nancy (the person in-charge) tell me better take MC in case the sick spreads to the kids as they are weak. (Even Nancy herself needs a leave cuz she's sick too)
And so I went back, look for a clinic. MC for 2 days. 2 DAYS?! T___T
(Yes, I censored my ID just in-case... LOL)
So on the way home, saw the lil lion hanged behind my car. No matter how ugly people say it looked, I still think it's cute and she gave me. XD
Went (forced) market with my parents to buy some grocery, I saw some black coated eggs. And guess what...
They are SALTED EGGS!!! I thought salted eggs' shell were white. Explained by my father, I gotta go back to the centre ASAP to re-color the salted egg... (I colored it normal egg color...)
Finally, yesterday the-almost-half-alive me managed finish watching the 3 hours "The Ten Commandments"!!
Will blog more funny things around me. XD
1 comment:
omg jerms!
you gave me a good laugh with the salted egg thing
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